Elisabeth Åsbrink in Venice.

Elisabeth Åsbrink with Maciej Zaremba in Krakow.


Since her debut in 2009, Elisabeth Åsbrink’s life has alternated between introverted writing in solitude and extroverted public conversations. She has spoken at libraries, theater halls, book days, literature festivals and book fairs.

She has appeared in Washington DC, Copenhagen, Oslo, Milan, Rome, Cagliari, Cognac and London. In Budapest, Krakow, Moscow and in Berlin. In Helsinki, Warsaw, Kazan, Bratislava and Venice, to name just a few of the scenes she has visited.

Elisabeth Åsbrink talks about her writing and about individual books. She also talks about issues related to democracy, fascism, freedom of expression and Nordic self-images.

Åsbrink currently lives in both Stockholm and Copenhagen.

For inquiries about talks and lectures:
Stephanie Smolak, Polaris Publishing. Mail: stephanie.smolak@jppol.se